ข้อสอบ Pre-Test รร.สวนกุหลาบ 2564 (ห้องปกติ)

ข้อ 89

" The world is becomming a global village. It is smaller and smaller place. All of us live in this village. We need to take care of it. We are responsible for our basic resources. We are responsible for clean water, pure air, and other living things. A problem in the Amozon Rain Forest affects us all. We must decide to take responsibility. We must make sure the Rain Forest remains healthy and green. In the same way. a nuclear test in one part of the world affects the quality of the air in another part of the world. The Earth is a single living organism. All of us are its protectors. We need to learn to cooperate with each other. We need to celebrate the natural world. We need to realize somthing. We are a part of it. We cannot live without it."

What does the word "affect" mean?

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